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Everything here revolves around sustainability and proximity to nature. In the next step, they want to prepare delicious dishes for their guests at "Farm-to-Table" events, of course, using only ingredients from the farm. Domestic cuisine, but interpreted differently.
Here, in the Finsinger Au, 20 kilometers northeast of Munich, in the middle of blooming meadows and forests, the two sisters grew up. And to here they have returned after several years in the big city. Together with their two brothers, Steffi and Lisa took over the farm, which has been in the family for several generations.
Step by step they want to realize their new visions on the farm. As they are very fond of biodiversity, they mainly cultivate old vegetable and fruit varieties. Just one example is the most diverse old tomato varieties in all possible colors and shapes. They transform these into high-quality, natural products: delicious craft cider is made from the untreated apples of an old breed planted by the grandfather. Other fruit is boiled into syrup, chutneys, or jams. The lemon-melissa and apple-mint syrup are particularly delicious with cocktails.
: their own online shop, which will launch soon, a large herb garden, and a meadow orchard as a teaching garden and oasis for bees and other beneficial animals. Chemical and artificial fertilizers and weed killers are of course a taboo on the farm! On www.farmmade.de the sisters write a blog with recipes and garden tips. And on Instagram (@farmmade_muenchen) you can be inspired daily by the two and their life on the farm.
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