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Sustainable cooking - how does that work? For example by using organic meat and fish. As well as seasonal fruits and vegetables from the region instead of pears from New Zealand or grapes from South Africa. And sauces and spices, preferably without artificial additives - industrial sugar is forbidden. Looking for suitable cookbooks? This weeks favorite:
THE SHED by Richard, Oliver and Gregory Gladwin
Creative cuisine made from regional and seasonal organic ingredients - this is how London's restaurant "The Shed" became world-famous. The three brothers Oliver, Richard and Gregory Gladwin run the in-place in Notting Hill together: Gregory supplies meat and vegetables from the family farm, Oliver is behind the stove and Richard manages the entire business. The menu includes vegetarian specialties, fish and meat dishes. Good to know: In "The Shed" everything is homemade: from wine to cheese.
1.) above: Roasted goat cheese. 2.) Beans are only served during the "beans" season 3.) The Shed by Richard, Oliver and Gregory Gladwin, Gerstenberg Verlag, 28 Euro.
Photo credits © Simon Wheeler
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